Recently, Josh and I took the trip of a lifetime. Actually, we were blessed enough to have experienced the trip of a lifetime! With the help of some family friends and a few wonderful Costa Rica connections we were able to board a plane in the midst of a chilly North Carolina winter and head to the beautiful, perfectly weathered Costa Rica!
This post is primarily going to be pictures. Which is probably better than my rambling anyways. Before we visited Costa Rica a few friends that we knew had visited before told us we just HAD to go horse back riding while there. This seemed out of reach for us beforehand but with the connection from a few wonderful family friends we were actually able to saddle up and hit the trails to experience this beautiful country for the majestic landscape that it really has to offer. These photos provide a glimpse into our ride. I felt almost selfish being able to experience such perfection and breath taking moments so, I figured I would share them with you guys! Now, you too can experience the peaceful, rare opportunity of what horseback riding on a ranch in Costa Rica really is like! Enjoy!! :)
And this day will, forever, go down into the books as one of the BEST days of all time!
~Horseback riding in Costa Rica~
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We are the Bests! Jo and Mo. Founders of BestCapturedTravel. We have been immensely blessed with many opportunities to see various parts of the world. We live an average, working life in Cambridge, MA but through our many opportunities have developed a passion to see the world. Our goal is to share with other desiring travelers different tips and experiences from around the world as we begin to check them off our bucket list. If anything, we hope to provide a little sense of motivation and adventure to those wishing to embark on their own journey! Follow Us
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March 2021